Posts tagged Architectural Fees
Design Development & Documentation with Fabric[K]

During DDD, Fabric[K] will massage the spaces to make sure they work precisely. Dimensions are cleaned up. Required clearances from various codes will be integrated. Specifications will be made and details will be drawn so that the building’s performance and constructability can be understood with in-depth specificity and precision.

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The Business of Architecture

Architecture traditionally is a service based business, just like lawyers, doctors and other licensed professionals. People rarely gripe when they pay for the latter services yet, the established perception is that an architect’s time, skill, and knowledge are not deserving of compensation equivalent to their professional counterparts. Architects are expected to offer their skills at discount or for free. An architect’s value is also overlooked because the process of working with one is a vast unknown to the majority of potential clients. It’s time to explain the basics of the Business of Architecture.

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